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"FASADE KACA PINTAR" Teknologi Inovatif Bangunan Tinggi Hemat Energi

Jimmy Priatman
Faculty of Civil Engineering and Planning, Petra Christian University



Intelligent Glass Facade is a state of the art technology concept of curtain wall to meet ecological and economical importance in the kind of fully glazed office buildings, that needed full air-conditioning. It reduces solar thermal reflection of glass towers that may cause heat-island effect in the urban center as well as it decreases greenhouse effect in the earth's atmosphere. At the same time it lowers energy consumption levels by reducing external cooling load of air-conditioning system.
An intelligent glass facade makes use of self-regulating thermal protection and solar control measures to adapt in a dynamic way to changing light and weather conditions all over the year by optimizing renewable energy sources such as solar radiation and air flows on the building envelope. Extensive application of this method to high-rise buildings will play a major role in protecting our environment.

Abstract in Bahasa Indonesia :

Fasade Kaca Pintar merupakan suatu konsep teknologi mutakhir dinding tirai kaca yang mempertemukan kepentingan ekologi maupun ekonomi bagi bangunan perkantoran bertingkat tinggi yang dikondisikan sepenuhnya (fully air-conditioned). Ia mampu mengurangi pantulan panas matahari dari bangunan bangunan kaca tinggi yang menyebabkan meningkatnya temperatur lingkungan diperkotaan (heat-island effect) maupun efek rumah kaca pada atmosfer bumi (green house effect). Selain itu ia mereduksi penggunaan energi yang dipakai untuk sistim tataudara dengan cara mengeliminir beban pendinginan eksternal.
Disebut sebagai fasade kaca pintar , karena kemampuan otomatik sistim ini untuk selalu ber adaptasi dengan pergantian cahaya dan kondisi cuaca sepanjang tahun dengan cara meng optimasi sumber energi yang dapat diperbarui ( radiasi matahari dan kecepatan udara) pada selubung luar bangunan. Aplikasi sistim ini pada bangunan tinggi akan dapat memainkan peranan besar dalam usaha untuk melindungi lingkungan global kita.

Kata kunci : selubung bangunan, dinding tirai kaca, fasade kaca pintar.

Subject / Keyword(s) :

building envelope, curtain wall, intelligent glass façade. 

References :

1. Allen, Edward, Fundamentals of Building Construction, Material and Methods, John Wiley & Sons, Toronto, 1990. 
2. Beedle, Lynn S., Habitat and The High-Rise, Tradition and Innovation, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, 
     Bethlehem, 1995. 
3. Committee 12 A, Cladding, Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1992. 
4. Compagno,Andrea, Intelligent Glass Facades, Material-Practice-Design , Birkhauser Verlag, Switzerland, 1995. 
5. Daniels, Klaus, The Technology of Ecological Building, Birkhauser Verlag, Berlin, 1997. 
6. Priatman, Jimmy, Energy Efficient Multi Use Skyscraper at Chicago, Master’s Thesis, Illinois Institute 
     of Technology, Chicago, 1996. 
7. Proceedings 1999 International Conference on Tall Buildings & Urban Habitat, The Tall Building and The City –
     The state of The Art
 for The Millenium , Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat, Kuala Lumpur, 1999. 
8. Vale, Brenda and Robert, Green Architecture, Design for an energy-conscious future, Thames and Hudson, 
     Ltd.,London, 1991. 

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